our projects

Our ProjectsShow House – La Fête, 2002

Show House – La Fête, 2002

In an effort to continue galvanizing and celebrating Lebanese artistry, while raising the funds necessary to finance its projects, the National Heritage Foundation organized an exhibition entitled “Show House - La Fête”.

The exhibit ran from June 7th to 17th at the Villa Audi in Ashrafieh with the premises generously loaned to the Foundation on this occasion.


The exhibition was made possible by the gracious participation of 17 first-rate Lebanese architects and interior designers. The “Celebration” in its various declinations, enhanced by the Villa’s unmatched and enchanting surroundings, succeeded in showcasing the pluralist identity of Lebanon, a land where Orient and Occident meet.

Each of the prominent exhibitors conceived and executed a very personal space, where they were able to demonstrate their broad knowledge and knowhow while displaying their unique creative touch.


Sitt May Jumblatt -Tourath Le Chouf

The exhibition achieved a great popular success with visitors that included artists, fine arts’ students and connoisseurs alike flocking to immerse themselves in the various spaces:

“La lumière et l’esprit” The light and spirit, immaterial resting points, a prerequisite to emotion, by Jean-Louis Mainguy;

"Un enchantement de senteurs et de couleurs”, An enchantment of smell and colors, by Paula Acra;

“La Fête à la Terrasse”, A celebration on the patio, by Dani Bridi Mégarbané;

“Une halte, un espace de repos…” A break, a resting spot, a tent on the road to Persepolis, by Serge Brunst;

“La Fête pour 2”, A celebration for two, by Michel Chidiac;

“Un saut dans le temps…”, A leap in time, recollections of pleasures passed, by Nabil Dada

“L’Invitation au voyage”, Invitation to the voyage, by May Geha Badawi

“La Fête à Venise”, A celebration in Venice, by Elie Gharzouzi;

The Belly Dancers’ Suite, Rabih El Hage;

“La Fête des animaux, les bêtes en liberté” A celebration of animals, creatures in wilderness, by Michel Harmouche;

“Une Fête commune….”, the turbulent crowd, a whisper celebrating the unknown loved one, by Dori Hitti;

“Le Rêve”, The dream, by Annabelle Kassar;

“La Fête du corps et de l’esprit”, A celebration of the body and mind, by Galal Mahmoud;

Marie-Antoinette, 1755-1793, re-interpreting a space of hers in time (now), by Chakib Richani;

Oriental obsession, European fantasy, by Joe Tohmé;

The Table is set, the celebration can begin, by Claude Missir;

The Room of a woman from the fifties getting ready for a celebration, by Rabih Kayrouz and Hubert Fattal;

The inauguration of the exhibition, on June the 7th, 2002, was followed by a memorable evening in the delightful Sofil gardens.

The program for the evening consisted in:

• A welcome from the President of the National Heritage Foundation, Mrs. Mouna Haraoui, who thanked all the contributors for their support both moral and financial, their creativity, expertise and gracious services.

• A concert presented by “Opera Beirut” with the participation of the Australian soprano Penny Pavlakis, and six young talents from the Lebanese National Higher Conservatory of Music.

• A dinner and a live auction.


The proceeds of this event enabled the Foundation to finance its projects under way, including the rehabilitation of the historical site of Nahr-El-Kalb and the creation of the Museum of Rural Life in Terbol.