our projects

Our ProjectsThe Museum Gift Shop

The Museum Gift Shop

The Gift Shop, created by the National Heritage Foundation and run by a “Museum Committee”, offers visitors with a wide collection of books and magazines pertaining to the historical, archeological, cultural and artistic heritage of Lebanon: documentaries, posters, postcards, modern reproductions of ancient figurines and jewelry as well as various other items.

Its main objective is to promote culture by holding concerts and events, and to encourage the Lebanese know how by offering articles and items created and realized by skilled craftsmen, rising artists as well as established designers.

In addition, the Nocturnal Evenings of the National Museum that take place every December ahead of the holiday season have become a major event attended by a broad public that has become very loyal with time.

The proceeds of the Gift Shop enable the National Museum to cover its maintenance expenses and organize various cultural and artistic activities.

Opening hours are daily Tuesdays to Sundays from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.

Phone: +961 1 612298

Website: www.beirutnationalmuseum.com

Instagram: beirutnationalmuseumstore